The states parties to the present covenant recognize the right of everyone to social security , including social insurance 本盟约缔约国确认人人有权享受社会保障,包括社会保险。
However , unless and until the treaty enjoyed universal adherence , states parties would continue to be exposed to risks 然而,除非并直到条约得到普遍遵守,否则缔约国将会继续面临危险。
The board reminds the states parties concerned of their treaty obligations and urges them to furnish the relevant information as soon as possible 麻管局提醒有关缔约国它们的条约义务,并促请它们尽快提供有关资料。
The board reminds the states parties concerned of their treaty obligations and urges those parties to furnish the relevant information as soon as possible 麻管局提醒有关缔约国它们的条约义务并促请它们尽快提供有关资料。
Thus , as a state party to the uncat , china should undertake some reforms in the criminal legal system and do its utmost to prohibit torture 因此,作为《反对酷刑公约》的缔约国,中国有责任在刑事司法等领域做出更进一步的改革,力求禁绝酷刑行为。
In order to protect the legitimate security and commercial interests of state parties , concrete measures aimed at preventing the abuse of verification should be provided for 为了确保缔约国正当的安全和商业利益不受损害,应该制定具体措施防止核查权利的滥用。